What Depression? Or The Elimination of the Subjective Causality of Pain?

Aikaterini Malichin*
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Psychology, Panepistimiopolis, 15784 Ilissia, Athens, Greece.

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© 2014 Aikaterini Malichin.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Psychology, Panepistimiopolis, 15784 Ilissia, Athens, Greece; Tel: 00306972083890; Fax: 00302109930086; E-mail:


The spectrum of depressing affective disorder countries a crowd of clinical types and cases and summarizes various symptoms, criteria and phenomena that are not explained in their quality and their causality and that potentially are symptomic events and sentimental situations that can oscillate from the neurosis up to the psychosis. It is estimated by epidemiologic researches that the 6% of roughly general population suffers from clinically diagnosed depression. The common point of subjects that suffer or have been diagnosed with depression is the pain of existence, as a complicated emotional, psychical and physical situation, and the inhibition that this involves. The psychoanalytical clinic is based in the decoding of this pain in the particular signifying chain of each subject separately, but also through the localization of mental structure that belongs to each subject. While the depression is not a structure but a hyper- structure, but neither a symptom, it is an affective painful situation which should be treated by the clinical process in its singularity. Thus, through a concise regard of pain in the depressing situations, the pain of existence in the post- modern melancholies, the moral pain of melancholy as psychotic structure, and the intense pain of loss and mourning, presenting three clinical examples, the author concludes and emphasizes the clinical and ethical importance of elaboration of subjective causality of pain and inhibition.

Keywords: Depression, Inhibition, Moral Pain, Pain of Existence, Pain of Loss, Subjective Causality.