Table 1: Diameter and the Place of Origin of M. japanica Spinal Nerves

Nerves Diameter (mm) Place of Origin
I. olfactory relatively thick, 2mm rostroventral part of the telencephalon
II. optic very thick, 2.5mm ventral side of the telencephalon, from the chiasma opticum
III. oculomotor relatively thin, 1mm behind the hypophisis
IV. trochlear very thin, 0.5mm behind the optic tect
V. trigeminal middle size,1mm rostrolateral part of the rhombencephalon
VI. abducens could not be observed
VII. facial could not be observed
VIII. statoacoustic very thick, 3mm rostrolateral part of the rhombencephalon, behind the nerve V.
IX. glossopharyngeal thin, 1.5mm caudolateral part of the rhombencephalon
X. vagal thick, 2.5mm caudolateral part of the rhombencephalon