Table 2: Breast cancer disease free survival prediction. Various breast cancer factors were analyzed for the predictive power in survival based on this study cohort (N=235). In each analysis, the clinical-pathological parameters used as predictors in the survival prediction were marked in the corresponding column. The average prediction accuracy of three methods, (KStar), Random Forests, and Neural Networks, was reported as the final result. P value represents the probability that the random prediction can perform at least as well as our prediction models

Survival predictors Analysis 1 Analysis 2 Analysis 3
Age x x x
Histology x x
pT x x
pN x x
Nodes Positive x x
Stage x x
ER x x
PR x x
Her2/neu x x
Smoking x x
Prediction accuracy
p < 1.3 E-53
p < 1.1 E-25
p < 7.2 E-59