Table 1: Descriptive statistics of study.

Variables Mean SD Median IQR
PCI 3960.79 2051.24 3619.00 2463.00 4974.50
PD 64.47 45.40 53.00 30.00 86.00
Mean PM2.5 8.51 2.23 8.50 7.00 9.90
PCI 2823.41 1375.81 2583.90 1653.60 3888.20
PD 94.48 37.45 91.95 64.35 122.60
Mean PM2.5 9.43 2.17 9.70 7.38 11.08

Abbreviations: SD: standard deviation, IQR: interquartile range, PCI: Proportion of Cases infected per 100,000, PD: Proportion of Deaths per 100,000