Table 3: Regression coefficients for associations between COVID-19 cases and death ratio and mean PM2.5 (adjusted age>65 years and population density for the UK).

- Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t P
USA 121.977 73.767 .133 1.657 .100
UK 157.767 61.751 .240 2.555 .012
Overall 150.036 53.877 .175 2.785 .006
USA 4.019 1.757 .194 2.287 .024
UK 2.564 2.223 .142 1.153 .252
Overall 3.874 1.373 .187 2.821 .005

Abbreviations: PCI: proportion of cases infected, PCD: proportion of deaths, bold value: statistical significant