Fig. (5) Analysis of sequence motifs, destabilization sites and physico-chemical parametersin BpI region of t(21;22). (A1 & 2) It depicts occurrence of 12 & 23 bps cryptic RSSs and repetitive elements found in the BpI region comprising of the non-coding portion of the respective genes. (B1 & 2) Graphical representation of SIDD destabilization profile plotted for G(x), the incremental free energy against queried sequence. The bold arrow portrays the presence of destabilization site that is in the closest proximity to the breakpoint while the dotted arrow represents SIDD region with the highest destabilization which requires minimum energy for duplex separation. (C1 &2) Flexibility of query sequence was graphically plotted in which the line defines the high helical flexibility at the breakpoint junction (D1 &2) Graphical representation of melting temperature of query sequence was designed. The line demarcates the decreasing trend of Tm at the breakpoint junction. (E1 & 2) Higher energy levels of base stacking was found at the breakpoint junction that is denoted by a line in the pictorial representation (F1 & 2): DNA base composition analysis for SIDD region showed highest AT content at the breakpoint junction, shown by dotted line.