The Open Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Journal

    Formerly: The Open Nanomedicine Journal


    ISSN: 2666-1500 ― Volume 6, 2020

    State of the Art Review on Emerging Applications of Mesoporous Silica
    The Open Nanomedicine Journal, 2020, 6: 12-20
    Ajinkya Kailas Pote, Vishal Vijay Pande, Vipul Pralhadbhai Patel, Mahendra Ashok Giri, Aniket Uttam Pund, Nitin Vijay Shelke

    [Electronic publication date: 22/10/2020] [Collection year: 2020]
    [Publisher Id: TONMJ-6-12] [DOI: 10.2174/2666150002006010012]

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    Nanomedical Devices and Cancer Theranostics
    The Open Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Journal, 2020, 6: 1-11
    Mohamed Moumaris, Jean-Michel Bretagne, Nisen Abuaf

    [Electronic publication date: 21/04/2020] [Collection year: 2020]
    [Publisher Id: TONMJ-6-1] [DOI: 10.2174/2666150002006010001]

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