Fig. (5) Three representative compounds that modulate cytotoxicity and protein aggregation identified from the compound library screen using the multiplexed cytotoxicity and protein aggregation assay. All three compounds inhibited the cytotoxicity caused by the expression of Q103-GFP fusion proteins in the Q103-GFP cells. The Compound -1 (on the top panel) had an IC50 of 11.2 µM on inhibition of cytotoxicity but it increased the aggregates formation with a potency of 14.1 µM. Compound -2 (in the middle panel) had an IC50 of 12.5 µM on inhibition of cytotoxicity and an IC50 of 5.01 µM against the aggregates formation. Compound -3 (on the bottom panel) had an IC50 of 1.41 µM on inhibition of cytotoxicity without effect on protein aggregation. The potency and percentage of maximal control response for cytoprotection and aggregates formation are listed in columns 3 though 6, respectively. The last column shows the images (magnified by 20×) of unlysed cell and their associated GFP aggregates in the presence of 25 µM compounds.