Table 3: Screening Statistics for LOPAC and NTP Libraries.

Agonist Mode Antagonist Mode
Library CV (%) S/B Z’ factor CV (%) S/B Z’ factor
NTP 9.21± 1.81 7.42± 0.51 0.77± 0.05 7.25± 3.77 4.71± 0.29 0.65± 0.08
LOPAC 11.04± 1.99 6.88± 0.54 0.82± 0.05 7.83± 1.27 3.37± 0.18 0.76± 0.04

Coefficient of variation (CV) calculated from control and low concentration plates. Signal-to-background ratio (S/B) and Z’ factor for agonist and antagonist mode determined for 100nM T3 and 1nM T3, respectively.