Table 2: Influence of the period on the increment in the mass per day (Δmr/day).

No Stimulus Mechanical Stimuli
Position Comparison Position Comparison
Day 1 and Day 2-10 Pre and MS MS and Post Pre and Post
Siphon N.S. Siphon p < 0.05 p < 0.05 p < 0.05
M1 p < 0.05 M1 p < 0.05 p < 0.05 p < 0.05
M2 N.S. M2 & Bottom p < 0.05 p < 0.05 N.S.
Bottom N.S.
Inside p < 0.05
Outside N.S.

The average of the increment in the mass per day at Day 1 was statistically compared with that at Day 2-10, by paired t-test. No stimulus, the specimens without the mechanical stimuli; Day 1, Day 2-10, the divisions of the period when the specimen put into the artificial seawater at 5˚C; Mechanical stimuli, the specimens with the mechanical stimuli; Pre, before giving the mechanical stimuli to the specimen (corresponding to Day 1); MS, at giving the mechanical stimuli; Post, after giving the mechanical stimuli (corresponding to Day 2-10).