Table 2: Self reported negative life events in male unaccom-panied refugee minors (N = 160) at arrival in Nor-way.

Drastic changes in family during the last year 94 (62, 3%)
Separated from family against will 82 (54, 7%)
Loss of close relative 120 (77, 9%)
Life threatening medical problem 43 (27, 9%)
Serious accident 33 (21, 9%)
Natural disaster 81 (53, 6%)
War related experiences 74 (48, 7%)
Physical abuse 120 (77, 9%)
Witnessing violence against others 87 (57, 2%)
Sexual abuse 15 (9, 8%)
Life threatening events 125 (81, 7%)
Witnessing life threat of others 76 (49, 7%)
Any negative life event 154 (96.3%)