Table 2: Means, standard deviations and F test (Univariate ANOVA) for differences in SAS total score (anxiety), PHQ-9 total score (depression) and PTGI total score and its dimensions by gender.

Male Female F p
Cronbach’s alpha Mean SD Mean SD
SAS total score 0.7986 32.58 7.28 37.01 9.18 22.85 0.000*
PHQ-9 0.8765 6.75 4.57 7.90 4.60 4.93 0.027*
PTGI 0.8730 33.16 20.85 40.14 20.79 8.80 0.003*
Relating to others 0.8175 8.62 7.21 10.66 6.66 6.7 0.010*
New Possibilities 0.8130 9.39 6.75 10.74 6.24 3.31 0.070
Personal Strength 0.8341 7.40 4.97 8.46 4.90 3.56 0.060
Spiritual Change 0.8450 1.44 2.41 2.12 2.76 5.34 0.021*
Appreciation of Life 0.8281 6.46 4.10 8.26 3.74 16.73 0.001*

Note: *p<.05