Table 2: Description of central tendency data, dispersion and extremes of groups CND, CII and CA, collected pre and post intervention.

Children with Cognitive Development Normal (CND)
Alpha Waves SMR Waves
Average Activity Coefficient of Variation Average Activity Coefficient of Variation
Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention
Minimum 1.31 3.68 0.48 1.29 1.67 2.82 0.35 1.13
Maximum 13.54 21.26 11.36 4.56 10.68 13.95 9.43 5.81
Median 3.67 10.02 2.78 1.39 3.16 8.33 1.01 1.27
Standard Deviation 4.13 6.66 3.74 1.18 3.45 3.60 3.05 1.61
Children with Intellectual Impairment (CII)
Alpha Waves SMR Waves
Average Activity Coefficient of Variation Average Activity Coefficient of Variation
Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention
Minimum 5.47 7.35 0.41 0.38 3.13 4.43 0.35 0.38
Maximum 36.13 42.85 0.63 0.5 29.01 30.05 0.63 0.79
Median 21.31 24.69 0.46 0.43 16.04 17.99 0.46 0.44
Standard Deviation 9.21 13.59 0.072 0.042 8.98 9.81 0.09 0.11
Children with Autism Diagnosis (CA)
Alpha waves SMR waves
Average Activity Coefficient of Variation Average Activity Coefficient of Variation
Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention Pre Intervention Post Intervention
Minimum 2.83 5.06 0.39 0.44 1.66 2.57 0.30 0.43
Maximum 39.18 48.74 0.88 1.48 31.80 40.92 0.83 1.33
Median 7.49 8.49 0.49 1.05 13.02 6.57 0.46 1.03
Standard Deviation 16.00 16.20 0.18 0.33 12.40 14.56 0.20 0.32