Table 5: Quality of life in the study sample and in the national normative sample (Cut-off = mean – 1 standard error in the normative sampe = 36). Independent determinants: general demographic variables and work in specific departments.

Dependent Variable: mean – 1 standard error in the normative sampe score = 36 Robust standard error Coef. Marginal
Gender (male) 0,617 *** 0,107 0,111 ***
Age (18-30) 0,251 0,196 0,045
(41-50) -0,360 * 0,187 -0,070 *
(50-70) -1,040 *** 0,159 -0,201 ***
Wards of General Medicine Hosp A -0,851 ** 0,412 -0,186 *
Wards of General Medicine Hosp B -0,627 0,422 -0,133
Wards of Surgery -1,435 *** 0,382 -0,330 ***
Endoscopy and - Radiology -0,776 * 0,446 -0,168
Laboratory 0,612 0,531 0,096
Intensive Care Unit -0,384 0,407 -0,078
Dermatology -1,210 ** 0,532 -0,276 **
Cardiology -1,196 *** 0,421 -0,272 ***
Ophthalmology -1,633 *** 0,454 -0,379 ***
Oncology -1,361 *** 0,475 -0,313 ***
Neurology -0,587 0,560 -0,124
Maternity Hospital -0,307 0,585 -0,061
Neonatology -0,745 * 0,389 -0,160 *
Emergency -0,465 0,504 -0,096
Gender (male) x working in the health agency 0,186 0,248 0,033
Age (18-30) x working in the health agency 0,047 0,406 0,009
Age (41-5) x working in the health agency -0,633 * 0,349 -0,133
Age (>50) x working in the health agency 0,055 0,342 0,010
Log-Likelihood function -1504,084
Pseudo-R-squared 0,088
Osservazioni 2834
*<p<0.10, P<0.05**, P<0.01***