Table 7: Determinants of positivity to at least two subscales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory.

Dependent Variable: positivity to at least two subscales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory Coef. Robust standard error Effetti marginali Robust standard error
Gender (male) -0,270 0,297 -0,028 0,029
Age (<40 years) -0,428 0,496 -0,044 0,049
Education (max 8 years) 0,889 * 0,512 0,127 0,092
Education (max 13 years) 0,245 0,333 0,028 0,039
Married / Living Together -1,061 * 0,603 -0,083 ** 0,033
Separated / Divorced -0,403 0,302 -0,043 0,033
Widow 0,847 0,832 0,122 0,151
1/0 sons -0,289 0,400 -0,029 0,037
Total years at work (>14) -0,310 0,485 -0,034 0,054
Wards of General Medicine Hosp A 2,051 * 1,074 0,367 0,247
Wards of General Medicine Hosp B 0,388 1,195 0,047 0,160
Wards of Surgery 2,491 ** 1,065 0,468 ** 0,240
Endoscopy and - Radiology 1,090 1,153 0,162 0,220
Laboratory 0,468 1,294 0,058 0,185
Intensive Care Unit 0,883 1,123 0,122 0,191
Dermatology 1,000 1,245 0,148 0,236
Cardiology 0,540 1,205 0,069 0,178
Ophthalmology 1,902 * 1,113 0,344 0,263
Oncology 0,996 1,191 0,146 0,222
Neurology 1,103 1,248 0,170 0,250
Maternity Hospital 1,662 1,078 0,277 0,236
Neonatology 1,591 1,134 0,272 0,257
Log-Likelihood function 194,291
Pseudo-R-squared 0,095
Number of Effective Observations 510
*<p<0.10, P<0.05**, P<0.01***