Table 5: Comparison of mean daily dose of antipsychotics between polypharmacy and monotherapy groups.

Monotherapy Polypharmacy
Mean(mg) SD(mg) Mean(mg) SD(mg)
Clozapine 392.50 207.919 368.37 188.108
Quetiapine 105.00 71.589 390.69 261.971
Olanzapine 13.80 6.668 14.35 6.027
Risperidone 5.20 4.604 3.61 1.830
Paliperidone 7.00 1.732 7.29 3.604
Aripiprazole 15.83 8.010 19.14 9.801
Amisulpride 600.00 282.843 596.43 244.165
Haloperidol 20.00 0 8.86 4.180
Clopixol 50.00 0 26.67 20.817
Chlorpromazine 0 0 113.64 63.604