Table 2: Mean scores on the measures of psychopathology used in the study, and inter-correlation among them and the PQ-B in the sample (n = 243).

n. Items Cronbach’s α Mean (SD) Median (IQR) PQ-B F PQ-B D
Frequency (F) 21 0.83 4.8 (3.8) 4 (5)
Distress (D) 21 0.85 14.2 (13.3) 10 (16)
GHQ-12 12 0.85 3.4 (3.1) 3 (4) 0.340 0.375
SPQ Cognitive-perceptual deficits domain
Ideas of reference 9 0 .77 2.2 (2.2) 2 (4) 0.598 0.592
Odd beliefs or magical thinking 7 0.64 0.9 (1.3) 0 (1) 0.497 0.531
Unusual perceptual experiences 9 0.63 1.3 (1.5) 1 (2) 0.571 0.574
Suspiciousness 8 0.75 2.4 (2.0) 2 (3) 0.521 0.551
SPQ Interpersonal deficits domain
Excessive social anxiety 8 0.74 2.6 (2.1) 2 (3) 0.391 0.410
No close friends 9 0.61 1.0 (1.4) 1 (1) 0.279 0.262
Constricted affect 8 0.59 1.6 (1.5) 1 (3) 0.345 0.329
SPQ Disorganization domain
Odd or eccentric behaviors 7 0.78 1.1 (1.6) 0 (2) 0.507 0.452
Odd speech 9 0.80 2.7 (2.4) 2 (3) 0.557 0.529

SD = standard deviation IQR = Interquartile range Pearson’s r p < 0.0001 in all correlations Estimates that differed from the others were reported in bold (Steiger’s p < 0.001)