Table 1: Demographic and professional characteristics of the study sample (N=130).

Socio-Demographics Variables n %
  Female 119 91.5
  Male 11 8.5
  21-30 26 20.0
  31-40 32 24.6
  41-50 25 19.2
  51-65 47 36. 2
Civil status
  Married 75 57.7
  Single 45 34.6
  Widowed 4 3.1
  Divorced 6 4.6
Nursing Education1
  Diploma degree 18 13.8
  Master’s degree 41 31.5
  Postgraduate education 87 66.9
  Operating Room 96 73.8
  Others2 34 26.2
  Morning 76 58.5
  Afternoon 23 17.7
  Night 20 15.4
  Others 11 8.5
Type of contract
  Permanent 108 83.1
  Temporary 22 16.9
- M SD
  Age 43.5 11.90
  Years worked as a nurse 21.6 12.13
  Years worked in current position 14.0 11.14

1. Total more than 100 because they are not mutually exclusive categories 2. Reception room surgical patient and recovery room.