Table 3: Results of the multivariate regression analysis with physical awareness level (measured as score the QCFA) as the dependent variable and activity type as the independent variable (controlling for sex, age and education).

Estimate Standard Error DF t Value P-value
Intercept 25.3261 17.5657 68 1.44 0.1540
Kind of Physical activity
Quite Light -3.2759 2.8419 68 -1.15 0.2531
Hard -5.4430 5.6332 68 -0.97 0.3373
Quite Hard -1.6440 3.7611 68 -0.44 0.6634
Light 0 . . . .
M 3.3285 2.4340 68 1.37 0.1760
F 0 . . . .
Age -0.01073 0.2218 68 -0.05 0.9616
Primary School 0 . . . .
Middle School -0.4590 3.3827 68 -0.14 0.8925
Higher Medium School 1.2184 3.5325 68 0.34 0.7312
Graduation 0.7414 4.6113 68 0.16 0.8727
Post-Graduation 7.8781 8.1403 68 0.97 0.3366