Table 2: Factors associated with lack of remission in different times of assesment. 297 patients consulting for depression in primary care, Maule region, Chile 2017.

Variables 3 MONTHS 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months
Exp(B) CI 95% Sig. Exp(B) CI 95% Sig. Exp(B) CI 95% Sig. Exp(B) CI 95% Sig.
Gender 1.025 .467-2.251 .951 1.513 .696-3.286 .296 1.091 .493-2.414 .829 1.089 .495-2.398 .832
Education 1.101 .932- 1.301 .257 .991 .850-1.156 .909 1.031 .879-1.208 .709 1.037 .888-1.211 .644
Older Age 1.025 1-1.05 .05* 1.002 .979-1.025 .877 1.007 .983-1.031 .578 1.007 .985-1.030 .531
Employment 1.225 .705-2.131 .472 1.535 .913-2.581 .106 1.259 .739-2.145 .397 1.227 .730-2.063 .440
Age of onset depression .992 .976-1.009 .371 1.006 .990-1.022 .461 1.009 .993-1.026 .282 1.004 .988-1.020 .626
Number of depressive episodes .989 .922-1.061 .754 1.07 1.0-1.15 0.05* 1.055 .985-1.131 .128 .998 .937-1.064 .961
Suicidal tendencies 1.257 .924-1.710 .145 .911 .687-1.206 .513 1.308 .980-1.745 .068 1.37 1.03-1.8 .031 *
Childhood trauma events 1.25 1.07-1.45 .004 *** 1.082 .943-1.242 .260 1.089 .946-1.254 .235 1.107 .965-1.270 .147
Adverse life stressful events prior 6 months .916 .804-1.043 .184 .928 .822-1.046 .220 .911 .804-1.032 .144 .920 .816-1.038 .176
Partner violence 1.012 .941-1.088 .749 .972 .910-1,039 .407 .996 .930-1.067 .915 1.017 .952-1.087 .611
Psychiatric comorbidities 1.34 1.1-1.62 .003 *** 1.110 .946-1.302 .201 1.4 1.17-1.68 .000 1.147 .972-1.353 .104
Medical comorbidities 1.044 .815-1.339 .731 1.125 312-1.414 .895 .908 .720-1.146 .416 1.114 .889-1.396 .348
Hamilton basal severity 1.108 .868-1.415 .409 1.079 .519-1.359 .856 1.156 .911-1.466 .232 1.110 .878-1.402 .383
Treatment for prior depression 1.342 .757-2.382 .314 1.418 .195-2.404 .836 1.219 .706-2.104 .478 1.566 .918-2.670 .100

*p<0.05 ** p<0.01 ***p<0.001