Table 3: Correlations (r) between MOODS-SR depressive domains and PTSD symptoms clusters or ProQOLsubscales.

- Mood Depressive Energy Depressive Cognition Depressive Rhythmicity
PTSD and PTSDdiagnostic criteria
Total PTSD symptoms .513** .249* .563** .360*
B) Re-experiencing symptoms .429** .353* .328* .304*
C) Avoidance symptoms .343* .188 .335* .245*
D) Cognitive and mood alterations symptoms .549** .360* .560** .437**
E) Hyperarousal symptoms .517** .380* .437** .316*
ProQOL Subscale
Compassion Satisfaction -.041 .052 .075 .047
Burnout .376* .087 .281* .289*
Compassion Fatigue .338* .152 .193 .150

Moderate positive correlations (.5 > r < .7); Low positive correlations (.3 > r < .5); *p<.05;**p<.001"