Table 6: Factors explaining the deviation between self-assessment and proxy assessment.

A - Correlations of the modulus of deviation* of the FAST sum score1
with validated scales
- Spearman’s rho p
PHQ-9 -
depression symptom severity1
0.41 0.04
GAD-7 -
fear and anxiety1
0.16 0.43
SF-12 -
physical sub-scale2
-0.16 0.42
SF-12 -
mental sub-scale2
-0.22 0.28
B - Univariable regression on [ ln (1 + (modulus of deviation* of the FAST sum score1) ]
- Regression coefficient [95%-CI] p
PHQ-9 (per +1 point)1 1.08 [0.99-1.17] 0.08
GAD-7 (per +1 point)1 1.12 [0.99-1.28] 0.07
SF-12 physical sub-scale2 (per +5 points) 0.79 [0.64-0.97] 0.03
SF-12 mental sub-scale2 (per +5 points) 0.88 [0.73-1.06] 0.17

* Self-assessment vs. proxy-assessment
1 Higher values on the scale indicate a higher burden of symptoms of depression (PHQ-9), of anxiety
(GAD-7), or more difficulties in performing instrumental activities of daily living (FAST).
2 Higher values implicate better health-related quality of life.