Table 7: Use of Antidepressant Drugs by Centre

Centre Male Sample N° of Antidepressants Users % Female Sample N° of Antidepressants Users %
L’Aquila 253 5 2.0 300 27 9.0
Bari 384 3 0.8 421 10 2.3
Catania 210 0 0 294 11 3.7
Florence 266 20 7.5 422 41 7.3
Sulcis (Sar) 108 4 3.7 198 8 4.0
Pisa 60 3 5 94 5 5.3
Udine 156 7 4.5 232 15 6.4
Total 1437 42 2.9 1961 117 5.9