Table 1: Psychological and ED Related Impairment of Registered Participants

Measure Mean SD
SEED (N=100) ANTSI 0.81 0.31
BNTSI 1.01 0.58
EDE-Q (N=43) Restraint 3.06 1.41
Eating Concern 2.85 1.63
Weight Concern 3.66 1.23
Shape Concern 4.13 1.25
EDE-Q total score 3.43 1.17
CR-EAT (N=43) Weight Preoccupation 4.40 0.92
Control over Eating 4.75 0.86
Emotional Dysregulation 4.01 0.99
Affect-regulatory Eating 4.59 1.04
Self-esteem 3.35 0.93
Concerns about Negative Evaluation 4.58 0.83
Body Embarrassment 4.13 1.08
Restrained Eating Behaviour 3.23 1.14
Societal Expectations of Weight and Shape 3.63 1.03
Perfectionism: Familial Expectations 3.02 1.33
Harmful Weight Regulation 3.03 1.34
Perfectionism: Personal Expectations 4.73 0.78