Table 3: Psychological Health and Quality of Life for the Internet Program and Control Groups at Baseline, Post and Follow-up Evaluations; p-values, Effect Sizes and Confidence Intervals for Differences between Groups

Baseline assessment Post assessment Follow-up assessment Post differences Follow-up differences
Internet n=22 Control n=20 Internet n=20 Control n=20 Internet n=20 Control n=18 p-value ESa CI (95%) p-value ESb CI (95%)
BDI-II 11.2 (9.7) 15.0 (11.5) 5.7 (6.2) 12.7 (10.0) 4.2 (4.4) 11.4 (13.4) .017 0.146 -9.48; -1.01 .052 0.103 -12.16; 0.07
SCL-90R GSI 0.7 (0.4) 0.8 (0.6) 0.4 (0.4) 0.7 (0.5) 0.2 (0.2) 0.6 (0.7) .091 0.075 -0.38; 0.03 .014 0.161 -0.62; -0.08
IWQOL physical function 54.3 (24.3) 53.6 (24.6) 66.2 (24.6) 56.2 (26.2) 75.8 (21.7) 61.2 (25.6) .039 0.110 0.44; 16.50 .010 0.174 4.14; 28.70
IWQOL self-esteem 34.2 (23.9) 34.9 (22.5) 48.2 (22.6) 34.5 (22.0) 58.8 (22.0) 45.5 (28.3) .013 0.157 2.60; 20.25 .063 0.095 -0.08; 27.88
IWQOL sexual life 70.0 (31.3) 62.5 (35.1) 84.6 (22.6) 61.0 (30.1) 82.3 (25.8) 73.7 (31.3) .002 0.229 6.16; 25.49 .412 0.019 -8.26; 19.70
IWQOL public distress 82.7 (15.4) 79.0 (21.4) 90.5 (11.9) 79.0 (17.7) 93.3 (7.3) 81.6 (19.3) .002 0.228 3.60; 15.00 .004 0.209 3.91; 19.63
IWQOL work 85.1 (17.2) 76.8 (22.8) 92.0 (11.5) 72.2 (26.1) 95.8 (6.4) 76.6 (28.1) .007 0.182 4.27; 0.18 .004 0.215 6.18; 29.64
IWQOL total score 60.1 (16.7) 57.5 (20.0) 71.7 (14.0) 57.5 (20.3) 78.1 (13.9) 64.3 (22.7) .001 0.277 4.87; 16.21 .008 0.187 3.93; 23.78

Note: BDI Beck Depression Inventory; SCL-90R GSI: Symptom Checklist-90-Revised Global Severity Index; IWQOL: Impact of Weight on Quality of Life; CI confidence intervalsMeans (SD)
a Effect sizes (partial eta square) of the differences at post assessment
b Effect sizes (partial eta square) of the differences at follow-up assessment