Table 1: Socio-Demographic Variables of First-Treated Patients by Diagnosis

Psychotic Disorders (n=143) Bipolar Disorders (n=104) Major Depressive Disorder (n=65) Anorexia (n=31) P
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Female 57 39.9 55 52.9 43 66.2 30 96.8 <0.001
Male 86 60.1 49 47.1 22 33.8 1 3.2
14-25 25 17.5 21 20.2 5 7.7 19 61.3 <0.001
26-35 36 25.2 22 21.2 14 21.5 9 29.0
36-45 40 28.0 22 21.2 14 21.5 2 6.5
46-55 25 17.5 22 21.2 14 21.5 1 3.2
56-65 8 5.6 13 12.5 11 16.9 0 0.0
66 and older 9 6.3 4 3.8 7 10.8 0 0.0
Living Situation *
Alone 21 14.7 13 12.5 11 16.9 1 3.2 <0.001
With parents/siblings 75 52.4 41 39.4 17 26.2 27 87.1
With partner/sons 39 27.3 44 42.3 37 56.9 3 9.7
Other (e.g., friends, institution) 6 4.2 2 1.9 0 0.0 0 0.0
Employment Status ^
Employed 38 26.6 31 29.8 21 32.3 10 32.3 <0.01
Unemployed 69 48.3 42 40.4 21 32.3 7 22.6
Social security 12 8.4 7 6.7 4 6.2 0 0.0
Occupational pension 8 5.6 5 4.8 7 10.8 0 0.0
Other (i.e. housewife, student) 16 11.2 17 16.3 11 16.9 14 45.2

* 6 patients have missing data
^ 3 patients have missing data