Table 1: Regressions on Δ(log(S & P500))

Sample 1960M01-2013M11 1960M02-2013M11 1960M03-2013M11 1960M03-2013M11 1960M03-2013M11
Sample size 647 646 645 645 645
Conditional Mean Equation
Constant 0.007559 (4.094768) 0.007716 (4.208168) 0.007689 (4.223181) 0.009131 (5.011801) 0.008989 (4.916965)
Coefficient on Δ(k) -58.17519 (6.065410) -58.05973 (6.021675) -58.46895 (5.956396) -58.48075 (6.030881) -58.43239 (6.071149)
Coefficient on Δ (log(RDISP)) 0.489331 (2.526202) 0.504234 (2.578124) 0.512394 (2.629486) 0.516063 (2.665431) 0.514542 (2.657807)
Coefficient on Δ (log(MS(−11))) -0.602041 (2.709045) -0.353754 (1.355771)
Coefficient on Δ(k) -0.637803 (2.891382) -0.138140 (0.406646)
Coefficient on Δ(log(RDISP)) -0.615930 (2.788022) -0.403127 (1.351813)
Coefficient on the average 3 Δ(log((MS)) -0.870091 (3.546191)
Conditional Variance Equation
constant 0.0000730 (2.062552) 0.0000782 (2.092755) 0.0000769 (2.177917) 0.0000743 (2.163436) 0.0000741 (2.150354)
RESID(-1)^2 0.133103 (4.546286) 0.134108 (4.527781) 0.135676 (4.565575) 0.138964 (4.689962) 0.138142 (4.672163)
GARCH(-1) 0.833406 (19.75267) 0.829970 (18.80464) 0.829669 (19.49653) 0.828005 (20.12463) 0.828757 (20.05396)
Adjusted R-Square 0.067074 0.067364 0.063904 0.066009 0.069151
Log likelihood 1164.438 1165.771 1162.791 1164.719 1164.608
Durbin-Watson statistic 2.022964 2.030292 2.023652 2.028894 2.028826
Akaike Information criterion -3.577862 -3.587527 -3.583847 -3.583626 -3.589483
Schwarz information criterion -3.529475 -3.539082 -3.535343 -3.521265 -3.540980
Hannan-Quinn information criterion -3.559090 -3.568731 -3.565027 -3.559429 -3.570664

Notes: In parenthesis are absolute t-statistics. Δ stands for the first difference operator and log stands for the natural logarithm. The proxy for is the change in the Baa corporate bond yield. RDISP stands for the US real personal disposable income. MS stands for the US MZM money supply. Bollerslev-Wooldridge robust standard errors and covariance are computed.