Table 10: The results of a Kappa test (agreement beyond chance) reflecting a statistically significant agreement between the cut-off values of the study biomarkers, used either separately or in combination, and OCT when screening for DR.

DNR Retinopathy (Any type of retinopathy) p (Kappa) Kappa
N % N %
Positive VEGF test (at optimum cut-off value of >=124.7 ng/ml) <0.001 0.383
Negative 24 80.0 33 24.6
Positive 6 20.0 101 75.4
Total 30 100.0 134 100.0
Percent observed agreement=76.2
Positive Sorbitol test (at optimum cut-off value of >= 0.3112 mg/L) <0.001 0.41
Negative 24 80.0 36 26.9
Positive 6 20.0 98 73.1
Total 30 100.0 134 100.0
Percent observed agreement=68.3%
Parallel tests combination <0.001 0.523
Negative (both tests negative) 19 63.3 13 9.7
Positive (either test positive) 11 36.7 121 90.3
Total 30 100.0 134 100.0
Percent observed agreement=85.4%
Serial tests combination <0.001 0.321
Negative (either test negative) 29 96.7 56 41.8
Positive (both tests positive) 1 3.3 78 58.2
Total 30 100.0 134 100.0
Percent observed agreement=65.2%