Table 1: The clinical and characteristics values of study subjects.

n PTC PmTC FC Control Group
44 34 28 77
Gender (F/M) 27/17 31/3 24/4 54/23
Age (yr)
BMI (kg/m2)
MPVpreop (fL)   8.87±0.99 8.82±1.39 8.69±0.76 7.82±0.82
MPVpostop (fL)   7.47±0.85 7.29±1.44 7.30±0.94 7.63±1.17
WBC (103/μ)   8.72±3.04 8.53±2.56 7.97±2.95 8.21±2.75
Plt (x103/μL)   264 ± 66.8 251.5 ± 60.2 261.4 ± 60.7 283.7±68.6
Median RDW count 13.7(11.6-26.8) 13.7(11.9-19.6) 13.7(12.6-18.3) 13.2(10.46-19.2)
MCV (fL) 83.57±10 84.9±6.14 85±6.04 84.7±6.8
Triglyceride(mg/dL) 172.3±83.3 166.1± 58.3 130.1±64.9 151.4±113.9
Glucose (mg/dL)   98.7±26.4 95.3±16.2 91.9±17.8 98.5±16.7
HDL-C(mg/dL)   50.35±17.77 47.48±13.02 48.57±9.99 50.02±13.1
LDL-C(mg/dL)   146.7±116.7 128.2±27.8 117.7±41.1 121.2±36.2
Total-C(mg/dL)   202.4±55.1 200.7±36.4 192.7±46.9 193.3±44.4
ALT (U/L)   24.9±12.9 19.4±9.77 20.6±10.1 23.6±14.3
CRP(mg/dL)   16.3±45.7 3.80±4.70 4.87±7.07 3.83±4.98
fT3 (ng/dL)   3.27±0.94§ 3.03±0.5 3.39±0.78§ 2,71±0.66§
fT4 (ng/dL)   1.27±0.33 1.36±0.3 1.18±0.24 1.1±0.28
TSHpreop (μIU/mL)   1.47±1.31 1.31±1.40 1.43±1.19 1.55±1.37
TSHpostop (μIU/mL)   0.65±0.96 ε£ 0.42±0.06 ε¥ 0.57±0.18£¥ -
Thyroglobulin(ng/mL) 0.19 (0.01- 24) 0.19 (0.19-1.92) 0.43 (0.19-300) 0.46 (0.0-1.18)
Antitg(IU/mL) 153.3±537.6£ 20.36±7.53¥ 124.9±274.9£¥ 55.6±89.7
TPO (ng/mL) 132.4±295.7 178.9±386.5 32.6±44.7 18.6±16.6
Tumor size(mm) 2.54±1.28 £ †ε 0.40±0.27¥ε 2.49±1.36£¥Ω 2.81±2.14

BMI Body Mass Index, MPV Mean platelet volüme, WBC Whıte blood cell, Plt Platelet, RDW Red blood cell distribition width, MCV Mean corpuscular volume, HDL-C High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol, Total-C Total cholesterol, LDL-C Low Density Lipoprotein-cholosterole, ALT Alanıne amino transferase,, CRP C-reactive protein, fT3 freeTriiodothyronine, fT4 free Thyroxine, TPO thyroid peroxidase, TSH thyrotropin, Antitg Antithyroglobulin.
p<0.05 for PmTC patients compared with PTC, p<0.05 for PTC, PmTC, FC patients compared with controls, §p<0.05 for PTC, FC patients compared with controls, p<0.05 for PTC, PmTC patients compared with controls,£p<0.05 for FC patients compared with PTC, ¥p<0.05 for FC patients compared with PmTc, ε p<0.05 for PmTC patients compared with PTC, p<0.05 for PmTC, FC patients compared with controls.