Table 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics of the 104 HIV-treatment-naive patients, Salvador, Bahia, 2017.

Demographic and clinical characteristics N %
Gender - -
Male 79 76
Female 25 24
Educational status - -
<9 years 21 18.8
≥ 9 years 83 74.1
Marital status - -
Single 78 69.6
Married/stable relationship 26 23.2
Smoking status - -
No 82 78.8
Yes 22 21.2
Drinking - -
No 95 91.3
Yes 9 8.7
Body mass index (kg/m2) - -
<25 – Underweight 12 11.5
25-29 - Normal weight 86 82.7
≥30 – Obese 6 5.8
Living - -
Alone 36 34.6
With Family 59 56.7
With Friends 9 8.7
Skin color / Race/ Ethnicity - -
African Brazilian 85 81.8
Caucasian 19 18.3
Family income (Minimal Wages)* - -
< 1 MW 50 48.1
≥ 1 MW 54 51.9
Charlson’s comorbidity index** - -
No 77 74
Mild 21 20.2
Moderate 5 4.8
Severe 1 1
Functional tests - -
6-Minute Walk Test Distance (m)*** - -
< expected 93 89.4
≥ expected 11 10.6
Borg index**** - -
Very light 33 31.7
Fairly light 68 65.2
Hard 3 2.9
Grip Strength (kg)***** - -
Dynapenia 16 15.4
Non- dynapenia 88 84.6
Lung function - -
Tiffeneau index (FEV1/FVC *100) < 80% - -
No 68 65.4
Yes 36 34.6

*Family income (Minimal Wages): 284.6 USD **Charlson’s comorbidity index: 0 - 6pontos. No: 0, mild: 1-2, moderate: 3-5, severe: 6 ***6-Minute Walk Test Distance (m): Iwama et al.18 equation [6MWDm = 622.461 - (1.846 x Age years) + (61.503 x Sex (men = 1; women = 0)] ****Borg index: Very light: 6 – 10; Fairly light: 11- 14; Hard: 15-20 *****Grip Strength (kg): Dynapenia: Based on handgrip strength <30kg (men) and <20kg (women)