Table 4: Results obtained by applying a multiple regression equation having PCS and MCS as the dependent variable for 104 HIV-treatment-naive patients, Salvador, Bahia, 2017. The numbers in columns are regression coefficients (B), standard errors (SEB) and P values.

PCS (R2 = 35%) B SEB P*
Constant 45.820 6.103 0.001
Gender (reference: female) -1.516 2.675 0.572
Age, years -0.236 0.091 0.011
Family income* 0.002 0.001 0.015
Grip Strength** 0.405 0.110 0.001
Body mass index*** -0.070 0.227 0.758
MCS (R2 = 15%) B SEB P*
Constant 41.931 5.283 0.001
Gender (reference: female) 8.189 3.011 0.008
Age, years -0.159 0.123 0.198
Family income* 0.001 0.001 0.459
Smoking habit -6.929 3.013 0.024

*Family income (Minimal Wages): MW: USD 285.00 **Grip Strength (kg) ***Body mass index (kg/m2)