Table 5: Socio-demographic, behavioral and clinical factors associated with poor immunologic restoration among study participants.

poor immunologic restoration
Variables Immunologic Restoration P-Value COR (95% CI) P-Value AOR (95% CI)
Good Poor
Age (years) 18-35 67 15 1.000 - 1.000 -
35-50 82 25 0.166 1.90 (.766, 4.716) 0.603 1.30 (0.481,3.521)
>50 36 15 0.031 3.38 (1.12, 10.22) 0.095 3.06 (0.822,11.41)
Gender Female 118 23 1.000 - 1.000 -
Male 67 32 0.001 3.69 (1.71, 8.00) 0.004 3.51 (1.496,8.241)
Marital Status Single 30 6 1.000 - 1.00 -
Married 79 29 0.103 0.563(0.704, 44.93) 0.124 0.641 (0.106–3.872)
Divorced 42 12 0.224 0.389(0.436, 34.68) 0.519 0.473 (0.326–0.687)
Widowed 34 8 0.304 0.333 (0.34, 33.11) 0.625 0.473 (0.326–0.687)
Educational Status Had no formal education 30 8 1.000 - - -
Primary school 87 25 0.630 1.39 (0.366, 5.277) - -
Secondary school 38 13 0.463 1.74 (0.397, 7.623) - -
College & above 30 9 0.479 1.79 (.358, 8.898) - -
Occupation Gov’t employee 48 10 1.000 - 1.000 -
NGO employee 25 9 0.25 0.52 (0.166, 1.618) 0.219 0.36(0.072,1.830)
Self -employed 52 19 0.110 1.37 (0.812, 7.683) 0.964 0.96 (0.186,4.999)
Unemployed 60 17 0.257 3.42(0.618, 6.037) 0.454 3.38(0.140, 81.560)
Monthly Income (ETB) No regular income 72 22 1.000 - - -
<1000 26 7 0.626 0.71 (0.185, 2.765 - -
1000- 2000 34 13 0.517 1.36 (0.534, 3.482) - -
2000- 3000 25 7 0.706 0.77 (0.197, 3.001) - -
≥3000 28 6 0.555 0.67 (0.173, 2.564) - -
Residence Rural 54 17 1.000 - - -
Urban 131 38 0.990 0.99(0.389, 2.540) - -
BMI (kg/m2) <18 23 19 0.044 2.62(1.026,6.686) 0.079 2.41 (0.904,6.400)
≥ 18 162 36 1.000 - 1.000 -
Smoking history Yes 46 20 0.037 2.60 (1.057,6.377) 0.036 2.81 (1.072,7.342)
No 139 35 1.000 - 1.000 -
Alcohol history Yes 91 33 0.123 1.83(.850,3.930) 0.077 2.10(0.924,4.734)
No 94 32 1.000 - 1.000 -
Chat chewing Yes 50 19 0.228 0.58 (0.236, 1.410) 0.216 1.83(0.704,4.741)
No 135 36 1.000 - 1.000 -
Current CPT use Yes 105 40 1.000 - 1.000 -
No 80 15 0.014 0.27 (1.266, 8.426) 0.019 0.31(0.118,.8270)
TB history Yes 119 29 0.035 2.28 (1.062, 4.876) 0.091 1.51 (0.229,1.116)
No 66 26 1.000 - 1.000 -
Types of TB Pulmonary 48 15 1.000 - - -
Disseminated 34 9 0.467 0.59(0.144, 2.434) - -
Unknown 28 14 0.271 1.86 (0.615, 5.646) - -
Current IPT use Yes 75 22 0.744 0.88 (0.401, 1.922) - -
No 110 33 1.000 - - -
Regimen change Yes 115 25 0.004 0. 33(0.153, 0.703) 0.113 0.41(0.134,1.237)
No 70 30 1.000 - 1.000 -
WHO clinical stage I +II 77 21 1.000 - - -
III +IV 108 34 0.311 1.53 (.673,3.458) - -
Adherence High adherence 55 21 1.000 - - -
Medium adherence 59 13 0.843 1.09(0.486,2.420) - -
Low adherence 71 21 0.787 1.22 (0.285,5.232) - -
Time elapsed till HAART initiation(in months) Within the same month 70 20 1.000 - 1.000 -
1 to 24 74 16 0.698 0.69(0.281,1.735) 0.442 0.673 (0.245,1.848)
≥ 24 41 19 0.072 2.33(0.927,5.874) 0.312 1.99 (0.523,7.625)
Duration with HIV (in months) 6 to 24 20 7 1.000 - - -
24 to 60 31 11 0.5211 1.86(0.280,12.31) - -
60 to 120 93 26 0.605 1.39(0.397,4.889) - -
≥ 120 41 11 1.000 1.02(0.381,2.621) - -
Duration on HAART(in months) 6 to 24 24 12 1.000 - 1.000 -
24 to 60 40 15 0.220 1.02 (0.131,1.598) 0.272 1.002 (0.095,1.938)
60 to 120 95 22 0.019 2.57 (0.083,0 .801) 0.097 2.78 (0.061,1.262)
≥ 120 26 6 0.052 1.04 (0.011,1.020) 0.160 1.53 (0.011,2.095)
NVP based regimen Yes 56 20 0.373 0.69 (0.314,1.544) - -
No 129 35 1.000 - - -
EFV based regimen Yes 91 15 0.259 1.56 (0.723,3.345) - -
No 94 40 1.000 - -
PI-based regimen Yes 27 20 0.127 1.07(0.087,1.432) - -
No 158 35 1.000 - - -
Baseline CD4+ (cells/ µL) <200 91 26 0.026 2.36(1.108,5.006) 0.060 1.41 (0.159,1.038)
≥200 94 29 1.000 1.000 -
NCD co-morbidity Yes 79 41 0.061 2.08(0.966,4.475) 0.003 3.99(1.604,9.916)
No 106 14 1.000 - 1.000 -

NCD: non- communicable disease; IPT: Isoniazid preventive therapy; CPT: Cotrimoxazole Isoniazid preventive therapy; EFV: Efavirenz; NVP: Nevirapine;PI: Protease Inhibitors; BMI: Body mass index; TB: Tuberculosis, NGO: Non-govt Organization