Table 2: Binomial logistic regression analyses of predictors of high disclosure intention by duration of diagnosis knowledge and CD4 counts.

Time 1
(3 months Post-Baseline)
Time 2
(6 months Post-Baseline)
Exp(B) (95%CI) p Exp(B) (95%CI) P R2 χ2
Duration of Diagnosis 0.44 12.78***
1 - 5 Years 89.5 -0.49 (01.14-12.74) <0.01 -0.36 (1.11-10.93) < 0.05
Older Years (6 - 15 Years) 10.5 1.00 1.00
CD4 Counts
(>100 CD4 T-cell) 76.4 -0.84 (01.09-03.06) < 0.01 -0.99 (0.29-03.06) < 0.01
(>200 CD4 T-cell) 23.6 1.00 1.00

Reference category is Low Disclosure Intention. CI=Confidence interval Duration of Diagnosis and CD4 Counts were dummy coded.