Table 1: Participant Descriptive Data (mean and standard deviation).

Socioeconomic Information (mean/SD) n (%) N
Gender 368
  Male 88 (23.90)
  Female 280 (76.10)
Age 47.5 (11.00) 362
Religion 352
  Catholic 190 (54.00)
  Agnostic/Atheist 89 (25.30)
  Other 73 (20.73)
Importance of Religion 364
  Very important 98 (26.90)
  Important 76 (20.90)
  Somewhat important 51 (14.00)
  Not important 46 (12.60)
  Not important at all 80 (22.00)
  I prefer not to answer 13 (3.57)
Highest Academic Degree Achieved 364
  Doctoral 133 (36.50)
  Master 165 (45.30)
  Nurse Specialist 29 (7.97)
  Advanced Practitioner 5 (1.37)
  Registered Nurse 27 (7.42)
  I prefer not to answer 5 (1.37)
Working as Clinical and Faculty 366
  Yes 180 (49.2)
  No 182 (49.7)
  I prefer not to answer 4 (1.09)
Teaching Level 361
  Doctoral 17 (4.71)
  Master 24 (6.65)
  Undergraduate 256 (70.90)
  Both 60 (16.60)
  I prefer not to answer 4 (1.11)
Teaching Experience, Years (mean/SD) 13.2 (10.80) 323
Country: 360
  USA 65 (18.10)
  Colombia 44 (12.20)
  Spain 145 (40.30)
  UK 22 (6.110)
  Peru 63 (17.50)
  Canada 21 (5.830)
Type of University 360
  Private 229 (63.60)
  Public 131 (36.40)
HPASS composite score 2.41 (0.69) 339
Stereotyping subscale score 2.55 (0.84) 339
Discrimination subscale score 2.28 (0.74) 337
Prejudices subscale score 2.41 (0.63) 338