Table 2: Bivariate Analysis of Demographic, Sexual, and Drug Use Behaviors Among Heterosexual Women at Increased Risk in Chicago by Anal Intercourse in the Past 12 Months

N (%)
No Anal
N (%)
(95% CI)
Age (Years)
  18 — 24 19 (27) 104 (31) Referent
  25 — 34 19 (27) 99 (29) 1.05 (.53-2.10)
  35 — 44 24 (34) 96 (29) 1.37 (.71-2.66)
  45 — 50 9 (13) 37 (11) 1.33 (.55-3.2)
  Black 55 (77) 279 (83) Referent
  Hispanic 12 (17) 50 (15) .84 (.38-1.88)
  Othera 2 (3) 4 (1) -
<High-school degree*** 35 (49) 101 (30) 2.26 (1.34-3.81)
Estimated annual income <$10,000 57 (84) 264 (80) 1.26 (.62-2.53)
Homeless in the past 12 months*** 20 (28) 40 (12) 2.90 (1.57-5.36)
Unemployed 42 (60) 186 (56) 1.18 (.70-1.99)
Arrested in the past 12 months** 14 (20) 31 (9) 2.42 (1.21-4.83)
Concurrency during last sexual relationship*** 34 (50) 89 (27) 2.69 (1.58-4.59)
Unprotected vaginal intercourse in the past 12 months 66 (93) 290 (86) 2.09 (.805.47)
Any non-injection drug use*** 43 (61) 128 (38) 2.49 (1.48-4.22)
Not tested for HIV on a regular basis 53 (75) 232 (69) 1.29 (.72-2.32)
STI diagnosis in the past 12 months*** 21 (30) 41 (12) 3.02 (1.65-5.54)
Any exchange Sex*** 12 (17) 18 (5) 3.59 (1.64-7.85)
Homosexual or bisexual identity*** 11 (15) 16 (5) 3.67 (1.62-8.29)
Age at first vaginal or anal intercourse <15 years*** 35 (49) 97 (29) 2.39 (1.42-4.04)
≥3 sex partners past 12mn*** 19 (27) 26 (8) 4.36 (2.25-8.43)
Binge drinking ≥ once a month 32 (45) 123 (37) 1.42 (.85-2.38)
No exposure to or utilization of HIV prevention services 65 (92) 294 (88) 1.56 (.63-3.79)

CI= confidence interval, OR= odds ratio
** .01≤p≤.05
*** p≤.01.
a Fisher’s exact test used where expected cell value was less than 5. Confidence intervals cannot be calculated.