Table 1: Frequency of Venue Attendancea by MSM Participant Characteristics During the Past 12 Months, Web-Based HIV Behavioral Surveillance System (2007)

Total No. Did Not Attend Attended Monthly or Less Attended Weekly or More
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Total 5024 244 (5) 1003 (20) 3777 (75)
 White, not Hispanic 3244 134 (4) 643 (20) 2467 (76)
 Black, not Hispanic 372 41 (11) 88 (24) 243 (65)
 Hispanic 935 46 (5) 183 (20) 706 (76)
 Asian or Pacific Islander 181 9 (5) 40 (22) 132 (73)
 Multiracial or other race/ethnicity 292 14 (5) 49 (17) 229 (78)
 18-20 947 111 (12) 219 (23) 617 (65)
 21-30 2309 83 (4) 447 (19) 1779 (77)
 31-40 982 26 (3) 202 (21) 754 (77)
 > 40 786 24 (3) 135 (17) 627 (80)
College Education
 No 917 94 (10) 206 (22) 617 (67)
 Yes 4107 150 (4) 797 (19) 3160 (77)
Sexual Identity
 Homosexual 4335 149 (3) 842 (19) 3344 (77)
 Bisexual 661 88 (13) 156 (24) 417 (63)
 Heterosexual 28 7 (25) 5 (18) 16 (57)
HIV Serostatusb
 Positive 369 3 (1) 60 (16) 306 (83)
 Negative 3715 121 (3) 712 (19) 2882 (78)
 Untested/Unknown 940 120 (13) 231 (25) 589 (63)

MSM = men who have sex with men.
a Attended a public venue where gay or bisexual men can be found.
b Self-reported results of last HIV test; untested/unknown includes those never HIV tested or did not know the results of their last test.