Table 1B: Stage of HIV Infection Based on CD4 Testa Performed within 3, 6, and 12 Months Following HIV Diagnosis Among Adults and Adolescents in 5 States Before Enhanced Data Collection (Population Ac), 2004-2005

≤3 mo ≤6 mo ≤12 mo
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Stage 1 331 7.6 374 8.5 409 9.3
Stage 2 1,027 23.4 1,149 26.2 1,271 29.0
Stage 3 (AIDS) 1,465 33.4 1,531 35.0 1,586 36.2
Stage unknown 1,556 35.5 1,326 30.3 1,113 25.4
Missing CD4 collection date 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 4,379 100 4,379 100 4,379 100