Table 1: Knowledge score about food allergy according to some selected characteristic.

Characteristic Knowledge Scores Mean Score ± SD p. Value
Low Moderate Good
Gender (n=300) 0.017*
  Male 16(36.4) 24(54.5) 4(9.1) 51.8± 16.0
  Female 53(20.7) 155(60.5) 48(18.8) 58.5± 17.2
Age Groups (n=299) 0.186#
  18-24 1(8.3) 9(75.0) 2(16.7) 60.0±12.8
  25-44 62(24.2) 154(60.2) 40(15.6) 56.8±17.2
  45+ 6(20.0) 14(46.7) 10(33.3) 62.7±18.4
Years of Experience (n=298) 0.166#
  Less than 5 years 15(31.3) 25(52.1) 8(16.7) 55.2±18.6
  5-10 years 37(19.4) 117(61.3) 37(19.4) 55.0±16.0
  More than 10 years 16(26.7) 37(61.7) 7(11.7) 59.0±17.1
Past Experience with Food Allergy 0.818*
  No 35(28.0) 65(52.0) 25(20.0) 57.1± 18.9
  Yes 35(20.1) 112(64.4) 27(15.5) 57.6± 16.1
  Over all (n=300) 69(23.0) 179(59.7) 52(17.3) 57.2±17.6

* Based on t test # Based on one-way ANOVA