Table 4: Itemized practice of tutors in relation to known subjects suffering from food allergy.

Item from Questionnaire Anyone with Allergy* % Correct Scores (n)
Yes (%) No (%)
Ban nuts at school 36.7% (132)
   Agree 53.5 47.3
   Disagree 37.8 45.1
   I don't know 8.7 7.7
Special places for food allergic students 82.8% (298)
   Agree 86.2 90.1
   Disagree 10.1 7.7
   I don't know 3.6 2.2
Unfair to band a food because some student allergic to it 61.7% (222)
   Agree 66.1 68.1
   Disagree 24.3 24.2
   I don't know 9.6 7.7
Worry of having student has food allergy in the class 56.9% (205)
   Agree 63.4 53.7
   Disagree 28.2 38.9
   I don't know 8.4 7.4

* No significant difference was reported between the two groups for all table items