Table 1: Mean Lumen Diameters of the Great Arteries of C57BL/6J Mouse Embryos of Developmental Stage 22 According to Theiler

Measuring Positions (n=30) Lumen Diameter in m (SD) Ratio with mp1 (%) (SD) Ratio with mp2 (%) (SD) Ratio with mp3 (%) (SD) Ratio with mp4 (%) (SD) Ratio with mp5 (%) (SD)
mp1 157.85 (24.91) 100 95 (20) 92 (24) 144 (52) 98 (14)
mp2 169.81 (23.08) 110 (23) 100 97 (12) 150 (33) 106 (16)
mp3 177.75 (33.30) 115 (27) 105 (14) 100 154 (26) 111 (25)
mp4 118.14 (27.17) 77 (23) 69 (13) 66 (10) 100 74 (20)
mp5 161.87 (16.76) 104 (15) 97 (17) 95 (25) 148 (54) 100

mp1 = measuring position along the ascending aorta, mp2 = measuring position along the proximal part of the descending aorta I, mp3 = measuring position along the distal part of the descending aorta II, mp4 = measuring position along the ductus arteriosus, mp5 = measuring position along the pulmonary trunk, SD = standard deviation.