Table 4: Comparison of Medical Therapy in SLE Patients with Osteonecrosis

Treatment of SLE Group A One Joint (N = 12) Group B Two Joints (N = 16) Group C Three or more Joints (N = 13) P value Group A vs Group B vs Group C
Median Cumulative corticosteroid dose, mg (range) 14,790 (452-92,628) 15,166 (3,060-44,840) 13,725 (1,767-243,462) 0.70
Median Peak corticosteroid dose mg (range) 17.5 (2-60) 45 (5-3000) 20 (2-1000) 0.11
History of cyclophosphamide use, No. (%) 3 (25%) 4 (25%) 8 (61.5%) 0.09
History of azathioprine use, No. (%) 8 (67%) 4 (25%) 3 (23%) 0.05