Table 1: Clinical studies on the beneficial effect of cocoa on endothelial function.

Number and status of subjects Control Design Jadad score Duration Material Endpoint P value Effect References
23 Healthy Placebo Randomised, double blind, placebo controlled 3 2 hours Cocoa: 5, 13, 26 grams Endothelial function < 0.05 Dose dependent increase of brachial artery flow-mediated dilation: maximum Δ2.5 ± 0.4% Monahan, Feehan, Kunselman et al. 2011
32 prehypertensive 25 grams/day of white chocolate Parallel randomised clinical trial 2 15 days 30 grams/day of 70% cocoa chocolate Systolic and diastolic BP; NO serum levels NO serum levels:=0.001
SBP: =0.001
DBP: =0.308
Increase of NO serum levels
Reduction in SBP and DBP
significantly strong negative correlation between NO and SBP; significantly moderate negative correlation between NO and DBP
Sudarma, Sukmaniah, Siregar 2011
22 stage 1 hypertensive N Pre-post intervention clinical trial 1 6 weeks (2 run-in, 4 treatment) 50 grams/day of chocolate (70% cocoa). Endothelial function =0.01 Increase of reactive hyperemia index: 1.94 ± 0.18 to 2.22 ± 0.08 Nogueira Lde, Knibel, Torres et al. 2012