Table 2: Framework for transgenic pVA crop development during different development stages with potential influencers.

Stage Consideration * Influencer
Positive/yes as facilitator and negative/no as barrier §
Feasibility for launching pVA biofortification program Current VAD status, VAD interventions in target country and population - Availability of accurate data on VAD status in target population.
- Effectiveness and acceptance of existing VAD program and on-going activity.
- Prioritization of VAD reduction in target country.
Target crop, its cultivation and local consumption in target country and population - Availability of accurate data on candidate local variety of target crop, its cultivation, utilization and consumption by target population.
Domestic GMO regulation and relevant political climate - Stance of line ministry on GMO.
- Availability of financial and political assistance during target crop development.
International or regional GMO regulation - Potential conflict to international and regional GMO standard and regulation.
pVA crop development, test and distribution Pre safety estimate and evaluation # - Safety to local ecological system, human health, and potential contamination i.e. gene flow from target crop.
Information communication - Existence of transparent channel for safety test result on health and environment, potential benefit and risk, IPRs arrangement ʃ to stakeholders (free-of-charge or fee-based with potential conflict of interest).
Adoption assessment - Public perception of transgenic target crop.
- Awareness of VAD and its health impact.
- Economics of target crop for cultivation, distribution, utilization and consumption.
Verification assessment - Feasibility of large-scale test for yield, safety and bioavaiability of pVA.
- Significant anti-GMO activity against large-scale test.
Distribution channel - Existence of mature seed sector and infrastructure.
- Potential for private-public distribution partnership.
Monitoring and evaluation Post pVA quality monitoring and evaluation in VAD change - Existence of effective monitoring procedure, indicator, trained staff and budget.
Monitoring legal/illegal trading of target crop - Harmonized GMO regulation with neighbor country.
- Potential scale-up of target crop to neighbor country.
Abbreviations: VAD; vitamin A deficiency, pVA; pro-vitamin A, GMO; genetically modified organism.
* Not in the order of importance, but flexible depending on target crop development program.
§ If influencer is positive/yes, it can facilitate target crop development; otherwise act as barrier.
¶ Such as Codex Alimentarius, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, COMESA guidelines, FAO GM guidelines etc.
# Probably via literature-review on target crop, laboratory-generated data, small-scale experiment.
ʃ Intellectual property rights probably not applicable to vegetative propagation, depending on IPRs arrangement.