Table 4: Interaction effects of types of isolates and time of application on suppression of F. solani under greenhouse condition.

Treatments Time Incidence Incidence Reduction % Severity Severity Reduction %
JU26(1) Before (50)45.0b±0.0 50.0 (55.5)48.1cd±0.0 37.5
At time (50)45.0b±0.0 50.0 (61.1)51.4bc±0.0 27.7
After (50)45.0b±0.0 50.0 (64.8)53.6b±1.90 27.0
JU15(2) Before (25)30.0c±0.0 75.0 (38.8)38.5e±0.00 56.3
At time (25)30.0c±0.0 75.0 (51.8)46.0d ±1.8 41.6
After (41)40.0b±8.6 59.0 (55.5)48.1cd±0.0 37.5
Ho-1WG Before (25)30.0c±0.0 75.0 (31.4)34.0f±2.00 64.6
At time (25)30.0c±0.0 75.0 (38.5)38.5e ±0.0 56.6
After (50)45.0b±0.0 50.0 (57.3)49.2cd±1.8 35.4
Combination Before (0)1.4d ±0.0 100.0 (23.7)29.1g±1.8 73.3
At time (0)1.4d ±0.0 100.0 (31.2)33.9f ±2.3 64.8
After (25)30.0c±0.0 75.0 (35.1)36.3ef±1.9 60.4
Control (diseased) Before (100)88.6a±0.0 0 (88.8)70.4a±0.00 0
Mean (35.85)35.5±0.6 64.1 48.73(44.4)±1.04 44.8
CV (%) 5.3 2.8

*Means with the same letter is not significantly different at p = 0.05 according to Tukey‘s honest significant difference (HSD). There were 3 replicates in each treatment (mean ± SD). Values in bracket are actual data before transformation. Control (only F. solani with at antagonist). Before; treating the seedling with the rhizobial isolate 7 day before the pathogen, At time; treating the seedling at the same time with the pathogen, After; treating the seedling with the isolate 7 day after the pathogen, Disease reduction percent, DR (%)=(Dc-Dt)/DC X 100, Dc is disease on the control plants; Dt is disease on the treated