Table 5: Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on mean dry bulb yield, total dry biomass and harvest index of onion.

Fertilizer levels
(Kg ha-1)
Dry bulb yield
per plant (g)
Total dry biomass
per plant (g)
Harvest index
0 9.95b 13.96c 0.70
34.5 8.25c 12.19d 0.69
69 10.66ab 15.38b 0.69
103.5 11.48a 15.91ab 0.73
138 11.40a 16.53a 0.72
F-test *** *** NS
LSD 0.938 0.953 0.047
0 10.50 14.71 0.72
46 10.37 14.61 0.72
92 10.15 14.76 0.69
138 10.38 15.10 0.69
F-test NS NS NS
LSD 0.839 0.852 0.042
CV (%) 15.9 11.3 11.8

Means with the same letter within a column are statistically non-significant at P ≤ 0.05 according to Fisher’s LSD, NS=non-significant