Table 2: Share and growth of agricultural GDP and cereal and pulses production, 2006-2014.

Country Income Group1 Agricultural GDP2 (%) Cereals (Total) Production Pulses Production
Area Harvested (M ha) Yield (t/ha)2 Area Harvested (M ha) Yield (t/ha) 2
Philippines LMI 12.09 (-) 7.13 (+) 3.75 (+) 0.08 (+) 0.87 (+)
India LMI 18.25 (-) 99.53 (NC) 3.06 (+) 26.15 (-) 0.71 (+)
Sri Lanka LMI 8.85 (NC) 1.05 (+) 4.11 (+) 0.02 (-) 1.24 (+)
Egypt LMI 12.79 (-) 3.15 (+) 7.97 (NC) 0.10 (-) 3.40 (NC)
Uganda LI 26.28 (NC) 1.69 (+) 2.13 (+) 0.97 (+) 0.93 (+)
Kenya LMI 27.6 (+) 2.48 (+) 1.76 (+) 1.43 (-) 0.59 (+)

1 Income group classification based on classification by World Bank List of Economies (World Bank, 2016); LMI = Low Middle Income, LI = Lower Income.
2 The growth in agricultural GDP, cereal and pulses production were calculated using compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The (+/-) indicates the positive/negative growth trend of countries in various indicators; NC = not computed.
Sources: Compiled by authors based on country-level data from secondary sources [12, 40].