Table 2: Confirmation of enzymes-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) results for maize germplasm with the lowest and high disease severity under MCMV and SCMV screening.

Genotype Elisa Reading Reaction Type a Genotype Elisa Reading Reaction Type a
Buffer 0.18 MLN013 0.09 R
Atlas 0.25 R MLN041 0.09 R
Health control (*3) 0.41 MLN019 0.09 R
MLN006 0.42 T Buffer 0.09
N211 0.47 T MLN042 0.1 R
MLN016 0.66 S Atlas 0.1 R
CML442 0.74 S MLN020 0.11 R
MLN009 0.74 S PA405 0.13 R
OH28 0.87 S CML444 0.15 R
MLN007 0.94 S OH28 0.2 T
MLN001 0.95 S CML442 0.23 T
CML 539 1.03 S MLN028 0.24 T
MLN012 1.03 S CML 539 0.25 T
CML312 1.09 S CML312 0.25 T
CML444 1.11 S Health Control (*3) 0.26
Positive control 1.15 Sart 0.28 Highly Susceptible
CML395 1.2 Highly Susceptible MLN006 0.29 Highly susceptible
MLN050 1.25 Highly Susceptible Positive control 1.07
Heritability 0.85 0.96
Mean 0.86 0.2
LSD0.05 0.38 0.08
CV (%) 25.17 22.66

*Three times the reading for health control;a R=Resistant; T=Tolerant; S=Susceptible