Table 1: Five areas that were commonly identified across the reviewed papers for capacity building in agricultural biotechnology in developing countries.

Areas Number Mentioned and
Reference in Superscript
Note on Areas
Coordinating partnerships 7 [24-27, 14, 8] Other terms such as aligned partnerships, coordinated alliances and linkages seemed interchangeable with coordinated partnership.
Financial commitment 6 [8, 9, 24, 27] Funding is allocated or committed to adopt, utilize or control agricultural biotechnology.
Priority setting 5 [9, 24-27] Priorities and agendas are set for agricultural research and development.
Regulatory system 5 [25], [8], [26], [14], [28] Regulatory systems are to control biotechnology adoption, utilization, safety and risk assessment, and market trades etc.
Public awareness 4 [8, 25, 28, 27] The public need be sufficiently aware of the technology through fair and transparent channels.