Table 1: Different water quality index of FW and WW.

Index pH EC (dS.m-1) TDS (ppm) PS (meq.lit-1) SAR ESR Na%1 Na%2
FW 6.97a 3.08a 1978.12a 16.49a 6.69a 1.46a 59.0a 58.7a
WW 6.99a 1.46b 937.95b 3.87b 2.01b 0.54b 37.1b 33.5b
Index Mg Ratio Ca:Mg Ca Ratio RSC (meq.lit-1) RSCB (meq.lit-1) PI TH (ppm CaCO3) -
FW 43.26a 1.31b 0.23b -3.50a 1.07b 69.08a 528.33a -
WW 39.29b 1.57a 0.38a -0.15b 2.60a 59.09b 350.00b -

In each column, means followed by at least one same letter were not significantly different by t-test.