Table 1: Physical and chemical characteristics of the soils.

Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils Itsoseng Soil Mafikeng Soil
pH (H2O 6.44± 0.11 6.81± 0.03
OM (%) 0.79± 0.03 1.66± 0.06
P (mg/kg) 5.72± 0.04 1.39±0.04
N (%) 0.06± 0.01 0.11±0.02
Na+ (cmol(+)/kg) 2.80± 0.03 2.60±0.02
K+ (cmol(+)/kg) 3.25± 0.03 3.25±0.07
Ca2+ (cmol(+)/kg) 2.60± 0.02 2.55± 0.02
Mg+ (cmol(+)/kg) 1.20± 0.01 0.20±0.02
Exchangeable acidity (cmol(+)/kg) 3.68± 0 .08 2.24±0.02
ECEC (cmol(+)/kg) 13.53± 0.1 10.84± 0.03
% Silt 6.5± 0.03 13.0±0.27
% Clay 9.88± 0.04 2.88± 0.02
% Sand 83.62± 0.04 84.12±0.03
Class Sandy Loam Loamy Sand